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Feb 28, 2020
News relative to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to dominate the headlines for national and international media outlets. Currently, there are NO reported cases in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, but it is appropriate that Kentuckians be informed and prepared.
With that goal in mind, the Northern Kentucky Health Department has requested that we share with our stakeholders the information they have compiled for families. Please familiarize yourself with the document provided here (or provided as a PDF below).

In this document, you will find a recommendation that you “ask your daycare, school or college leaders about their plans for COVID-19”. Please be advised: The recommendation for P-12 schools at the present time is to follow the same protocols as for the prevention of the flu – as the symptoms and means of transmission are similar. The Grant County School District is currently following these protocols in our buildings and our buses.

Other public/government agencies are, likewise, reaching out to schools. Should there be a case(s) of COVID-19 closer to home, our district will be monitoring and following the lead of these expert agencies, including the CDC, local health departments, federal government, and the Kentucky Department of Education….all of which are being vigilant.

We trust these advance communications and preparations will do as they are intended to do: Prepare our constituents in such a way as to PREVENT THE SPREAD of this virus. Please be vigilant in following the recommendations provided. Most are simple and common-sense measures.
-- Wash your hands often with soap and water. If there is no soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand gel. Wash your hands before eating, drinking, or touching your face.
-- Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Throw away used tissues in a trash can, and wash your hands. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your sleeve and not into your hands.
-- Be mindful of your contact with others. Stay home if you are sick. Make plans for how your household will function (and prevent the spread) should you or a member of your household become ill.

If interested in additional information on COVID-19, please visit:
Attachments Available To Download:
How to Prepare for COVID-19 (Revised 3/2/2020)