Wireless setup for Staff and Students
All staff and students with mobile devices can quickly and easily connect to the Wi-Fi network for internet browsing. All users will be required to follow the Grant County Schools Acceptable Use Policy.
Wireless Network: PODNet (Personally Owned Devices Network)
Step 1: When users first bring their personally owned device onto the district campus their wireless configuration setting will automatically detect any available wireless network within range. Visitors and guests to Grant Co. Schools will want to choose Grant_County_Schools as their means of connection.
Step 2: Once the connection is established, users will need to open an internet browser window. The page will automatically load the PODNet registration page. Click “Please click here to connect to the network.”
Step 3: The next step of the registration of the device will be to enter network login credentials or you can register as a guest. (Ex. *Username: jdoe*Password: ******) Click Login
Step 4: The Acceptable Use Policy will appear. Read through the material. At the bottom of the screen you will be required to check the agree box to acknowledge that you read, understand and agree to the AUP. Click I Agree and Complete Registration.
Step 5: On the next page you will see PODNet processing your request.
Step 6: Click the Click here to obtain network access or let the page redirect to the Grant County Schools page.